Salt. And Tequila.

“When life gives you lemons, add salt and tequila.”


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|Photo Credit|K.P.|


They said when life throws you lemons, turn it into a grape juice and let the world think how you did it.. BUT that is a very long process my friend. And while you are into that process, might as well add some salt and tequila for the meantime so you won’t miss the fun.

I was a little doomed and restless for the past few weeks. I couldn’t sleep much. (But I still eat a lot kahit kunware nagdidiet. Haha) I couldn’t even think straight at work, I even lose a grip of a whole lot journey (but at the back of my head, I’m thinking it was the right decision at that point. **in many ways** ..learning things and how complicated our mediocre but meticulous brain works that it could really kill people. Believe me that was a lot. Apologies to people who have given their genuine trust and heart-felt effort. However, I want to thank each soul who were my constant variable at one of my scribbled situations. Maraming Salamat po.)

And that I ignored the fact that I was losing my grip because I chosed to. I have forgotten that there are people who are kind enough to listen to my sentiments and who could value relationship, time and presence. It was my fault. That I ended screwing my space.

Then, here comes His little wave of magic: He sent the right people, at the right time. People who would be your salt and tequila. And again, Thank you.

Thank you for reminding me how to value oneself to appreciate time to laugh  (so hard that you could have grown some muscles on your cheeks) to get back on track to chase for such forgotten dreams.


P.S. It’s still my dream to take Cookie Monster on a cookie date. 🙂

And I’m on my way.


The truth is…

Funny isn’t it? That life has a very common pattern of happiness-sadness routine. How long does it take to lose pleasure or bliss? It takes just a second my dear.  At one snap, every single reason you have to be in full joy could vanish right away. For what reason? Just that. And like that. Ironically you can’t do something. You’re out of control. It just happens.

But why do good things leave us the way nobody would want to be left alone in nowhere? Or why would people we love and care about would even try to leave us behind? At my work, it’s a protocol to ask: What’s holding you back? But in real life, we can’t ask the same question. Because doing so is comprehending us making another mistake from throwing out that one. We feel so naïve on that part where we believed on what our hearts desire for. It’s just too painful… No, it isn’t painful at all. It’s more likely and better to be called raw feelings I guess?

(The truth is, I feel hurt. Because you asked me to stay, and I said yes, I will. But you’ve made me feel I stayed for no one.)

*hands up*